Anna's 10 x 10 – Composers you should know series: Historical (non-piano) Concertos

The past 13 months have been like an extended year-long treasure hunt. Though I have missed performing in person with my musical colleagues, the past year has offered a fantastic opportunity to explore more about awesome music that was inexcusably missed in my university studies.

 Questions I continually ask myself are:

  • Am I being open-minded about the music within the context of the composer’s education, time period, and background?

  • Am I being sensitive to populations of people that I cannot identify with concerning gender, race, age, ability, etc…?

The other day, I read a social post, which has profoundly caused me to question what it means to explore and promote music. I appreciated this post and will work towards being mindful of this as I continue my research.

Composer Reena Esmail wrote recently on her Facebook post:

There is no need to use the term "underrepresented" in second person.

There is nothing to be gained by telling a person that you are interested in their work because they are underrepresented. I know that these messages are sent with the best intentions, but it feels really icky on the receiving end.

So: instead of saying, "I'm trying to program more underrepresented composers, so I'm interested in your work", you could simply say, "Hello, I would love to program your work!"

Instead of saying, "We are looking to commission a woman of color" you could say, "Hello, we love your music, and we would love to commission you."

Instead of saying, "I am starting an initiative to lift up composers who have been historically underrepresented" you could say, "I think your work is incredible, and I want to share it far and wide so other people know about it too."

It's that easy.

And the best thing is: you can say the exact same sentence to the 'represented' composers whose music you love too! You don't need to treat anyone differently because of their demographic.

Because I am one of those people who claims to be a proponent of music by “underrepresented” composers – this was an important wakeup call for me and I hope will be something we all can consider when we go forward with making change in our own communities. Diversity can mean many things including gender, race, age, physical ability, and mental ability.

Inclusive programming means performing great music by a diverse population of people that represent our communities. I will always be appreciative of the western mostly white male composers of the past who have brought beautiful music to all of us. Exploring music by fantastic composers that did not fit into the typical “classical canon” has been frustrating, invigorating, and enlightening.

From my musical treasure hunt, I am MOST excited about the inclusive programming that is beginning to be performed by the vast number of terrific composers that are and should be recognized.

For now, I would love to introduce you to a few composers that may be new to you and who I believe will become regular additions of concert programming across the country.

Entries will follow the following format:


And as a bonus: